Šajā vebinārā UZZINĀSI:

  • Kā izvēlēties situācijai atbilstošo atlases metodi?

  • Kādas ir jaunākās tendences vietējā un starptautiskā darba tirgū?

  • Veikt atlasi iekšēji vai nodot šīs rūpes ārpakalpojumu sniedzējiem, vai, iespējams atteikties no atlases pavisam un izvēlēties darbinieku īri?

  • Vebināra dalībniekiem būs iespēja iegūt pieredzi un ieteikumus no Latvijas vadošo uzņēmumu pārstāvjiem

Vebināra programma

Candidate attraction & recruitment trends (from the perspective of a European ATS)

Julien Matsis - Director of Partnerships at Recruitee

2021 saw an acceleration of the global HR Digital Transformation (across all facets of HR) and 2022 does not look like it will slow down, quite the opposite. As an ATS with 4.500 customers globally (mainly in Europe and North America), Recruitee collects a high volume of customer, partner and market feedback about the evolution of the recruitment process. This presentation will try to summarize our 2021 learnings by dividing them in 3 trends around Candidate Attraction and 3 trends on Recruitment. We hope to provide you with simple, operational tactics "from the field" that you can learn from or implement in 2022!

AI in Recruitment: Know your candidates and make informed hiring decisions

Lilia Stoyanov - Chief executive officer and angel investor at Transformify

Some candidates apply for jobs at random, some try to mislead the recruiters. What if the recruiters immediately know if the candidate has applied for other jobs before and what the comments of the hiring team were? Add to that the predicted success rate based on analyzing big data and the work of the hiring team becomes a walk in the park. Even more, to attract the most qualified candidates beautifully designed career pages showcase the company culture and recent news. Employer branding and cutting-edge technology go hand in hand to attract, navigate through the recruitment process and retain the best candidates.

HR prognozes Latvijā 2022

Aivis Brodiņš - "CV-Online" vadītājs Latvijā

Pagājušā gadā pandēmijais ietekmē darba tirgus situācija joprojām bija svārstīga, taču kopumā to raksturoja būtisks darbaspēka pieprasījuma kāpums, kā arī straujš atalgojuma līmeņa pieaugums. Arī šis gads būs dinamisks un darba devēju cīņa par talantiem arvien saasināsies. Savā prezentācijā dalīšos ar CV-Online Latvia jaunākās ikgadējās darba devēju aptaujas rezultātiem, ieskicējot darba devēju šīgada plānus attiecībā uz nodarbinātību un atalgojuma izmaiņām, kā arī citām personāla vadības aktualitātēm.

"We are (not) the best employer"

Raimonda Jurgelaitytė - Country Manager in Latvia at Alliance for Recruitmen

While working in any position related to hiring new employees, we tend to think that behind office doors should be a queue of candidates waiting to be interviewed. When it appears not true, we blame "the times" we live, run another marketing campaign or pray for "a unicorn" to apply. We believe that there is a number of small steps to take and details to pay attention to, that could lead us to hiring better quality candidates faster, and we are going to share this food for thought!

Why are your co-workers the most efficient recruiters?

Patrick De Pauw - CEO of Social Seeder

People trust people the most. Also when it's about looking for new talent. Patrick, CEO of Social Seeder, will show, through uses cases, the impact your co-workers can have in the recruitment process.


  • Aivis Brodiņš "CV-Online" vadītājs Latvijā - HR prognozes Latvijā 2022

  • Lilia Stoyanov Chief executive officer and angel investor at Transformify - AI in Recruitment: Know your candidates and make informed hiring decisions

  • Julien Matsis Director of Partnerships at Recruitee - Candidate attraction & recruitment trends (from the perspective of a European ATS)

  • Raimonda Jurgelaitytė Country Manager in Latvia at Alliance for Recruitmen - "We are (not) the best employer"

  • Patrick De Pauw CEO of Social Seeder - Why are your co-workers the most efficient recruiters?